Android 14 Awaits App Updates

by Mayniaga

I comprehend the fundamental distinctions in the Android update approach compared to Apple's.

Initially, updates roll out exclusively to Google's Pixel phones, which have a relatively small user base, whereas Samsung, dominating the Android market, often lags by weeks or even months.

as the majority of their users won't receive the new OS for a considerable duration.

Consequently, third-party Android developers lack the motivation to provide immediate updates,

The most recent significant visual alteration, meriting updates, was the media player revamp introduced in Android 13.

Furthermore, there are typically not a plethora of fresh platform features for app developers to integrate.

Nonetheless, it took Spotify nearly four months to update their app for Android 13, while other prominent streaming services experienced even lengthier delays.

Upon the release of Android 13, core first-party apps like YouTube, YouTube Music, and Chrome had already been updated to align with the new design.

Nevertheless, given the user base's scale at that time, it's understandable that developers may not have prioritized it. In contrast, iOS updates swiftly propagate across multiple iPhone generations.

Certainly, it would have been ideal for developers to update their apps when Android 13 was initially launched for Pixel devices, aligning with the platform's best practices.

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