House of Lords Urges Laws on Facial Recognition Tech

by Mayniaga

The UK House of Lords Justice and Home Affairs Committee, led by Baroness Hamwee, expresses deep concerns about the unaccountable use of live facial recognition (LFR) technology by the police.

While acknowledging its potential value, the committee urges the government to legislate and address the expanding use of LFR without adequate scrutiny.

The committee argues that the legality of LFR should not solely rely on court judgments and calls for parliamentary authorization.

Baroness Hamwee emphasizes the need for a clear legal foundation and legislative framework for regulating the deployment of LFR technology.

The committee challenges the notion that the case provides a clear basis for LFR use and emphasizes the need for primary legislation.

Contrary to the government's claims of strong public support and a sound legal basis for police use of LFR, Baroness Hamwee points to concerns expressed by the Court of Appeal in the Bridges case.

It demands the adoption of national regulation for creating watchlists, standardized training, and guidelines for crowd-screening activities.

The committee raises specific concerns, including the discretionary implementation of LFR by local officers, the lack of a national compulsory training program, and standards for police forces.

Additionally, it demands regular local assessments of public opinion regarding LFR deployment, emphasizing the importance of transparency and accountability.

The committee highlights the risk of human error in split-second LFR assessments and calls for greater consideration of explainability in the system.

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