Icelandic Faultline Stirs After 800 Years

by Mayniaga

A recent volcanic eruption in an Icelandic fishing port has raised concerns among experts, indicating the reactivation of a long-dormant faultline beneath the country.

On Sunday, glowing lava engulfed several homes on the outskirts of Grindavik, southwest of Reykjavik.

The island sits atop the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, a geological boundary between the Eurasian and North American tectonic plates.

Last month, the same town faced evacuation due to an imminent eruption, and although the most recent volcanic activity has subsided, authorities in Iceland remain vigilant.

Volcanologist Patrick Allard from France's Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris warned that the renewed plate separation episode could last for years, possibly decades.

This eruption marked the fifth in less than three years on the Reykjanes peninsula, which had been dormant for centuries.

Despite the thinness of the Earth's crust near the faultline, the expected volcanic outbursts are not anticipated to be massive.

The recent eruptions, characterized by minimal seismic activity, suggest that magma is close to the surface and ready to erupt.

The Blue Lagoon, a popular tourist spot, has been closed due to the eruptions. Allard emphasized the limited warning time before the next eruption, citing the brief seismic activity preceding the last two eruptions.

The precarious location of the faultline poses a threat to the Svartsengi geothermal plant and the nearby town of Grindavik, built on ancient lava flows.

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