Musk Plans Live-Streamed Face-off with Zuckerberg

by Mayniaga

Elon Musk announced via a social media post that his proposed cage match against Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg

will be broadcast live on the social media platform X, formerly known as Twitter.

to engage in a mixed martial arts cage fight in Las Vegas since June.

These prominent figures in the world of social media have been playfully encouraging each other

Musk said in a post on X early on Sunday morning, without giving any further details.

"Zuck v Musk fight will be live-streamed on X. All proceeds will go to charity for veterans,"

He humorously mentioned that he brings the weights to work since he doesn't have time to exercise elsewhere.

On an earlier occasion on Sunday, Musk shared on X that he was dedicating his day to lifting weights as part of his preparation for the fight.

There has been no response from Meta to a request for comment regarding Musk's post, as reported by Reuters.

In response to a question from a user on X about the purpose of the fight, Musk replied, "It's a civilized form of war. Men love war."

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